Digital Marketing Roundup Q2 2021: 10 Useful articles you should read or bookmark!

We regularly share links to useful resources across social media, in our newsletter, during training sessions and direct to clients. So we thought we’d start posting a quarterly round up of the top 10 articles we’ve found, shared or read that we recommend you go and read!

10 Useful Articles we found in Q2 2021

In our second edition, our top favourite articles covered topics including addressing backlinks, creating non-organic content, optimising a page for conversions, free usability tools, Youtube trends and more.

Does fixing broken links still matter to SEO?

The short answer is yes. A long standing best practice of SEO, you don’t have to fix every single broken link, but this Moz “Whiteboard Friday” outlines some best practices and why you should still be fixing!

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Get customers engaging more with your Ad campaigns by adding Images

It’s proven in surveyed countries worldwide that consumers are looking for a visual experience while online shopping. Google Ads have introduced image extensions globally to help with the demand.

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There are multiple types of Keyword Research. Are you doing the right one?

A recommended article from Rand Rishkin detailing some of the keyword research tools available, and step by step processes, to help you find the keywords that best suit your needs!

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9 Conversion Optimization Tips To Instantly Improve Your Website Conversion Rate

Another excellent article focused on improving your websites chance of driving conversions.

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21 Free Usability Testing Tools

User Experience is something we encourage our clients to be aware of. It can help with conversions and organic rankings. This article suggests 21 tools that you can use to help test what does or doesn’t work.

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4 Content Types That Get Non-Organic Traffic, According to Content Strategists

Looking for alternative methods of driving non organic traffic? This article outlines some potential options for you, from “How To” guides to Interview Content.

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7 Ways to Repurpose Content and Grow Your Customer Base

You don’t always have to be creating new original content. Repurposing existing content, such as updating old blog posts, is a great way to increase traffic.

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50 Questions You Must Ask to Evaluate the Quality of Your Website

Wondering how to start improving your website technically? This article offers a 50 point checklist that you can start working through.

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4 YouTube Trends to Leverage in 2021

Looking to grow your YouTube channel? Video can work really well, and this article provides some trends to be aware of during 2021.

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Stats roundup: the impact of Covid-19 on marketing & advertising:

Interest to know more about the impact COVID has had on the marketing industry? This article from Econsultancy delivers interesting numbers across all area.

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Digital Marketing Roundup